Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Houston we have a problem, Again: This time PayPal

I don't know if any of you have tried to get in touch with PayPal's customer service, but I can tell you that it's not as easy as you may think.

In order to contact customer service you need to login.

So if your problem is that you can't login, well then you can't use your account until PayPal open their phones again and you then can call them - the phones are closed durring COVID-19.

You can't even contact them though Messenger and Facebook, because they closed that too.

The contact to customer service, hiding behind login, is not very clever, as it blocks people with login problems from contacting the customer service who are the only ones who are able to help.

I would go as far as say that this is straight out dumb!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Manufacturers: New cheap Laptops Please!

Since the Calamity started woldwide, the Laptop market has been flooded with Celeron laptops and  Chromebooks, that is understandable from the manufacturers point of view, but not of the consumers.

We need something different, and it is up to you as manufacturers to make that happen, we need cheap, and by that I mean for every person to buy, affordable laptops with at least Core i5 or Ryzen CPU/APU, 8GB Ram(Upgradable) and 180-256 GB SSD(Upgradable), 13-15" screen, Bluetooth 4.0, SDcard reader, a 10-15 hour battery(Wifi and video, not factory claim(there has been too much of that), Ok speakers, with or without OS(for the ones who like to run something else than Windows) and driver support for Windows, Linux and Chromebooks.

And for the maximum price of 200$ to 300$.

Most blogs, review and rapport new Hardware, I'm calling out for a change, and instead asking.

I know you can do it, and I call out to the companies of Intel and AMD to make their own laptops, fitting this price range instead of passing it on to other companies.

Again, with my personal experience as System builder, Supporter and technician through 35 years, I'm convinced that you can do it.

Please make it happen😊 Not everyone live in America and have big income, so you should actually focus of the ones who don't.